It is difficult to ascertain the fee that will be incurred for each employment matter as each case is unique. Therefore the following factors are to be taken into consideration (including but not limited to):
Our fees are based on the following and on the assumption that the parties are in agreement and any third parties instructed to undertake work will do so in a timely manner:
Obtaining initial instructions of case, perusing and considering the papers and employment manuals, reviewing the contracts of employment before advising you on the merits of the case and possible compensation. Please note that this is likely to change and therefore will be reviewed throughout the case
How much will issuing or defending a claim be?
Your case will be conducted by a Solicitor and experienced paralegal depending on the complexities of each case:
Disbursements are costs due to third parties regarding your case, such as:
Disbursements are costs related to your matter that are payable to third parties, such as court fees. We are able to assist you with the payment of disbursement to ensure a smoother process.
Please note that the above fee does not include barristers’ fees. This can range from £1,200 to £3,500 (inclusive of VAT) per day (depending on experience of the barrister and the complexity of the issues involved) for attending a tribunal, preliminary, final or remedy hearing (including, perusal, advice, drafting and preparation of documents).
Duration of case
The duration of case depends on the stage at which the parties reach an agreement. This is also dependent on when the case is allocated by the Employment Tribunal. Therefore, if an agreement is reached by the parties during conciliation stages, your case may take up to 2-3 months (this is only an estimate).
In the event that it proceeds to a final hearing, the case may take between one year to 19 months. Further information on the time scale will be available upon receipt of instructions and as the case progresses.
Conduct of your case – our employment law team have cognate experience in dealing with employment disputes. Our solicitors have experience in all aspects of employment law, and we dedicate ourselves to ensuring our knowledge stays up to date, in order to give you the best service possible.